Wayne Bernard sagt Goodbye!

Unser langjähriger Publikumsliebling lässt es sich natürlich auch nicht nehmen sich ordentlich von seinen Fans zu verabschieden. Hier ein Abschiedsbrief für die treuen und vielen Fans von Wayne.

Dear MBC fans,

As some of you may know, I am not coming back to MBC for the next season. But I do not want to leave without expressing to you my gratitude.

I can’t say ‚thank you‘ enough to show how grateful I am of your support. I appreciate the MANY things you have done for me during my three seasons at MBC: I loved taking pictures with you all, I enjoyed the encouraging notes, the gifts, and even the simple „hello“ while walking in the supermarket or on the street. But I can’t believe how much support I have had on the basketball court. Even while I was playing a bad game, you all cheered for me as if I was having the best game of my life. In all of my professional basketball career, I have never had fans as loyal, energetic, encouraging, and welcoming such as you all. This means so much to me and I will never forget your support.

I also would like to give a special thanks to those of you that helped my mom when she came to Weissenfels. It was her first time in Europe, and she felt so comfortable during her visit. Tomorrow is her and my father’s wedding anniversary, and Im sure she will deeply enjoy the painting that I am going to surprise her with, that was drawn by one of the many important MBC fans (my father passed away last summer). She and my little brother still talk about the great time they had with the dinners, the souvenirs, and meeting so many of you. These acts of kindness are priceless, and me and my family will never forget them.

Not only the fans, but the coaching staff and management have always done what they can to make my time in your town an enjoyable one. I am honored to have played for MBC for three seasons, and I wish MBC all the best. I will try to visit if I can. Thank you again to all of my fans. I value and will forever treasure the support you have given me.

Danke für alles!!


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